pinhole: the Ghost of Christmas ( To view monochromatic classics from around the world please click here ) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Create Your Own Planets : l'aerophare (To view images from Scenic Sunday please click here) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Bougies à la Cathedrale de la Resurrection ( To view monochromatic classics from around the world please click here ) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Place de la résistance d'EvrySquare the resistance of Evry (To view images from Scenic Sunday please click here) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Gospel "Jesus Be A Fence" ( To view monochromatic classics from around the world please click here ) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Photo de nuit dans le quartier des pyramides d'Évry (To view images from around the world please click here) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Le telethon 2010 à Evry sur le parvis de l'AFM (To view images from Scenic Sunday please click here) ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Je continue mes panoramiques 360 et l'effet "petite planète". Aujourd'hui la place de l'agora (malheureusement le temps n'est pas terrible). Cliquer sur les photos pour les agrandir.I keep my 360 and pan effect "small planet". Today the square of the agora (unfortunately the weather is not terrible). Click on photos to enlarge. ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Promenade d'automne dans le parc Henri Fabre d'Evry. Autumn walk in the park Henri Fabre of Evry ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
Je vous présente le meilleur ami d'Amedée.....On l'a rencontré dans le cimetière de "The Church Of St Andrew" (Staten Island, ville de Richmond Town)..C'était la veille d'halloween et se préparait dans le cimetière une soirée meurtre...Ah ah ah..Amedée en a profité pour prendre une pose avec son nouvel amiI present the best friend Amedée ..... We met him in the cemetery of The Church Of St. Andrew "(Staten Island, City of Richmond Town ) .. It was the eve of Halloween and prepared in the cemetery one evening murder ... Ah ah ah .. Amedée took the opportunity to take a pose with his new friend
New York - Staten Island - halloween - The Church Of St Andrew ...NEWS...Remember, Every Saturday, The Challenge "Street Photography"
La cuisine au jazz à la mairie d'evry pour le 8e salon du livre. ( avec Kumi Iwase (Cuivres), Benjamin Mourocq (Batterie) et Adrien Prochasson (Contrebasse) ).The kitchen to jazz as mayor of Evry for the 8th book fair. (With Kumi Iwase (Brass), Benjamin Mourocq (drums) and Adrien Prochasson (bass)). Blog Evry Daily Photo